When should you go to the emergency room?

I just can’t let go of this news article about hospital cutbacks on ER docs to save money. And patients are paying the price STILL!

 We still see cutbacks on providers, they are changing to concierge services, leaving the country or dropping insurance carriers. And although we can’t change healthcare, we can change how we manage our own, so here are a few tips about your options!

 Don't put off seeing your doctor. Way too often people end up in the ER because they don’t nip a problem in the bud. Not feeling good? Call your doctor. Doctor jammed and can’t get you in right away? Ask for a tele-health appointment (may squeeze you in more quickly.)

 Get to know your local urgent care center. Stop in before you ever have a problem. Ask about what they treat – and don’t treat. Ask their advice:

 When should I get care here and when should I go to an emergency room, instead? (Quick video tips!)

Get to know your local hospital ER. Ask about...

  • Are they for-profit or non-profit?

  • Do they have their own ER staff or outsource from another company?

  • What are their staffing levels: doctors, nurse practitioners & physician assistants (by shift, weekdays & weekends)

Gear up to speak up! Finally, whether you need an office appointment or emergency care, insist on a doctor to see you. Politely. Firmly. As often as you must.

This can be hard! I often hear, “I don’t want to make anyone mad”, so patients don't press for care.

So, just remember this: you know yourself best.

You are your own best advocate.

But, if this is too stressful for you, I'm just a call away. Getting care that’s right for you – right now – is what I do.


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