What is a senior advocate?
A senior advocate guides and empowers older adults and their families through challenging circumstances along their health and life care journey.
From Dr. Nancy A. Taylor, founder of Taylormade
For years now I have listened with dismay to an increasing number of older adults share their healthcare burdens with me during a medication counseling session and feel a weight in my heart because I cannot help them other than to offer a few words of counsel and encouragement in the limited time constraint of my profession. During my time as a retail pharmacist I was considered by social norms to be the most accessible healthcare provider, which is true; I saw people at the beginning and/or end of their current health circumstances. However, by the time they got to me they were so defeated by their circumstances there seemed to be little I could do to help.
I cannot count the number of times I have been asked…
“the Dr. says I have…..what does that mean? What do I do now?”
“my doctor sent over a new medication, can you tell me what it is? I don’t like to take pills, I don’t want to take it”
“there are so many drug plans out there, which one should I get?”
“what do you mean I have nothing here, did you send it to the right doctor?”
“why didn’t my doctor tell me that?”
“I’m in town helping my mother, she has had a stroke. Can you tell me her medications and what they are for?”
“I can’t afford that medication; I only have my social security. How am I supposed to pay for that?”
I have watched the need for healthcare advocacy grow at an alarming rate and I want to help my clients answer these questions. To accomplish this, I knew I needed to step out from behind the counter and into a collaborative union with older adults in need of a personal advocate. Now I have the time to dedicate to those in need of answers before they reach the defeated stage.
What People Are Saying
Working with Nancy, I have consistently seen her ability to analyze a situation, diagnose a problem, and quickly employ a solution to provide a positive outcome.
— Dr. Heath Lamoreaux.
Nancy has a huge heart for seniors and specializes in their care. Her passion for people and clinical knowledge are admired by all who work with her.
— Dr. Jayme Garcia
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Dr. Taylor
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